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The ten best films influenced by Baudrillard

Link here The Matrix Solaris The Truman Show Pulp Fiction Wag the Dog North by North West Inception Her Blade Runner A.I. Artificial Intelligence and on television Black Mirror
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Representation in fashion magazines

An interesting move away from conventional fashion coverage. 

Vogue features essential workers

Very interesting in terms of representation See here

work for week beginning 1st June

You have had a break from your NEA- well done those of you who completed the test on Sitcoms on Seneca- very pleasing results. A few of you are still missing that - please ensure that you get it done asap. The link to the test is on the last email. If you have been keeping up with the NEA work you will by now have completed your research and planning. We now need to have a Microsoft Teams lesson on how to go about the Statement of Aims before you go any further. Please read the attached powerpoint before the lesson which is at 11am on Wednesday 3rd June. Please note that the example Statement of Aims refer to last years briefs- dont let this confuse you! Please let me know in advance asap if you can not make this time.

Work for fortnight 4th May due in 18th May

4 things to do this fortnight 1. Summary of codes and conventions. Think about what you identified in your textual analyses, 1,2 and 3. What conventions did you identify and what will you want to use in your product? eg a print magazine has a large masthead. An online magazine uses a consistent colour scheme to create brand identity. Bullet points of what you have found out and which conventions you are going to copy. What brand identity/house style will you adopt? 2. Audience Profile This will look like a fact file on an ideal reader who will have a 'preferred reading' (Stuart Hall) of your product. I have given you the NME one as an example but remember this is professional, I am not expecting yours to be of this standard. You can look at the advertising pages on existing magazines to find their examples of audience or reader profiles, have a look here for instance at the kind of information they find out about their readers. You don't have to be this detailed h

Short video on shot types and their uses

This is brilliant, please watch.

Listening to The Archers

As you know we study The Archers and with the lockdown they have run out of new episodes. They are broadcasting classic episodes instead at 2pm weekdays here This is actually really helpful for us as we will be able to see exactly why its so successful and consider Blumler and Katz' theory. So, after your lunch, why not have a little nap outside in the sun with your earphones in and have a listen and you will be working!